Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Intention Going Into The New Year

Now the game, to be played correctly, and for the Universe to fully understand what it is you want, what you want to create and how you want to show up in 2023 requires this one small thing …




So go get a pen and paper and begin:


2022 Completion Questions

  • What was the smartest decision you made in 2022?
  • What one word best sums up and describes your 2022 experience?
  • What was the greatest lesson you learned in 2022?
  • What was the most loving service that you performed in 2022?
  • What is the biggest risk you took in 2022?
  • What else do you need to do or say to be complete with 2022?

2023 Creation Questions

  • What would you like to be your biggest triumph in 2023?
  • What advice would you like to give yourself in 2023?
  • What brings you joy and how are you going to have more of that in 2023?
  • Who or what, other than yourself, are you most committed to loving and serving in 2023?
  • What one word would you like to have as your theme in 2023?
  • What about are you most committed to transforming and improving in 2023?


Hang on to these and read them come 2024 and see who and what you were able to create. Its extraordinary every time I do this, I am shocked as to how the intentions I set for the year to come has a way of unfolding perfecting into my life. 


Wishing everyone a fabulous 2023!


Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Take A Break During The Holidays

Take a “break” before your day gets underway. If you feel like your whole day is spent on work or chores, try getting up a little earlier to do something for yourself. Wake up an hour earlier to work out or take a walk, meditate, make a healthy breakfast, journal, or any other activity that you find restorative.

Exercise as a release. You’ve likely heard this many times before, but exercising and moving more can really help improve your mood, energy levels and sleep quality!

Need a quick pick-me-up?  Spend a few minutes focusing on your breathing. Close your eyes and focus your attention to each slow inhalation and exhalation. Let any anxious thoughts just drift like passing clouds.

Make sure to take your breaks and go on lunch. Step away to refresh yourself and prevent burnout. Avoid taking breaks and eating lunch at your desk or while you’re working.

Take real time off from work. Even a half day spent doing something restorative can help you reset.

Try something new. Winter is a great time to experiment with a new hobby or activity that can help you break out of a rut and feel like you’re doing something for yourself. Find a craft or art project, try cooking new-to-you cuisine, or listening to new music.

If your go-to break when you’ve finished a work or home task is to scroll through your phone or turn on the TV, trade it for stepping outside. Developing the “nature break habit” has many proven benefits for better health and well-being.

Do nothing! Sit on your couch and look out the window, spend a few minutes enjoying your outdoor space, or lie on your bed and practice deep breathing—there are countless options.  Try dedicating 10 minutes at the end of your day to taking a break to see if you notice a difference in your mood.

Take time to unplug. Spend time free from technology and screens by simply savoring a quiet moment with your eyes closed. Take it even further by creating tech-free zones in your house. Pick a drawer or other out-of-sight place to stash your devices, and enjoy the peace and quiet.

Cuddle with your spouse, kids or pet. Whether it’s people or pets, physical interactions with those you love can release oxytocin, a feel-good hormone!

Taking time each day to do simple activities that calm your body and mind is a powerful way to short-circuit stress, restore a sense of well-being and protect your health!